Reconstructing Meredith (Light Switch Book 2) Page 25
“What do you mean?”
“Not that it wasn’t fun. Quite the opposite. I mean I’ve been… anxious about it.”
I played with a lock of her hair. “I don’t doubt it, babe. That’s why I’ve been a little hesitant about going forward with it until I was sure you were ready.”
“I know.” She smiled. “I can’t even begin to tell you how much this means to me, Scott. Helping me with all of this. Thank you. Really. I am—”
“You don’t have to thank me, babe,” I said. “If there’s something I can do to help you through something like this, you know I will. I just wish I could do more.”
“You’ve done plenty,” she whispered. “Probably more than you can imagine.” A devilish grin spread across her face. “And I’m hoping you’re willing to do even more.”
I laughed. “Trust me, I am.”
“Good. I definitely want to do this again.”
“The threesome, or anal?”
She grinned. “Both. In fact, maybe next time we could take it a little farther.”
“In what way?”
She shrugged. “Maybe some flogging? Bondage?”
“We can do that,” I said. “With a stranger? Or with Byron again?”
She grinned. “Either or.”
“It’s funny, I never have to twist a sub’s arm to play with Byron again.” I threw my hands up. “Can’t figure it out.”
Meredith laughed. “It might take a little persuading, but I think you could talk me into playing with him again.”
“A little persuading?” I snorted. “Something tells me ‘go suck his cock’ would suffice.”
She shivered. “Yep, works for me.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. In addition to thinking up new things to try, of course.”
“Bring it on, Scott.”
I chuckled and leaned in to kiss her.
God bless open-minded women.
Chapter 23
After a leisurely dinner one evening, Meredith and I went back to my place to relax with a bottle of wine. I had no doubt where we’d end up before the night was through, but there was no need to hurry, so I set the bottle on the coffee table and kicked back on the couch beside her.
All night long—in the car, during dinner, on the way back—we’d talked. Jobs, families, life in general, and like it always had years ago, conversation came easily.
But now, sitting on my couch with a couple of glasses of wine between us, we didn’t speak.
I laid my arm across the back of the couch and played with her hair. “What are you thinking about?”
“Just…” She stared into her glass for a moment. Finally, she met my eyes and smiled. “Just thinking how much I used to love doing this. You know, back then.”
“Yeah, I’ve missed this.” More than you know, babe. I ran my fingers through her hair. “Though I’m surprised we don’t have company this time.” I craned my neck, looking around for the little black piranha that lurked in my house.
“She must be sleeping somewhere.”
“Not when there’s red wine for her to knock over.” Then I shrugged. “Oh well, I’m sure she’ll be along.”
“I have no doubt.” She laughed. “Mine likes to dump drinks over, too.”
“Mine only does if it’s expensive or it’ll stain.” I clicked my tongue and rolled my eyes. “If it’s a glass of water, she won’t go near it.” I gestured with my glass. “Some finely aged cognac or a nice dark wine on light upholstery? She’ll usually come out of nowhere just to kick it over.”
Meredith laughed. “Little brat.”
“No shit.” I looked around again. “She’s probably off pouting somewhere. Amy was here last night, and Malia was none too happy about being kicked out of the dungeon.”
“Seems like she’d make a good decoration in there. A diabolical black cat really complements the ambiance, don’t you think?”
“Aside from the part where she keeps trying to use the Saint Andrew’s Cross as a damned scratching post.”
“Well, maybe you need to provide her with some proper kitty toys.”
I raised my eyebrows. “Provide her with proper kitty toys? Have you looked at my living room?”
She sat up and looked around. Half-disemboweled toy mice littered the floor near the mantle beside a box of similar playthings. A few feet away, a three-tiered kitty condo towered above my entertainment center, firmly bolted to the wall for those times when she used it as a launch pad.
Laughing, Meredith sat back. “Okay, so maybe she does have enough toys. I guess she’s just evil, then.”
“Damn right she is.”
“Like owner, like—”
“Hey, watch it.”
She snickered and raised her glass to her lips. Before she took a drink, she gestured at the kitty condo. “That does answer the question of where she is, though.”
I looked at the condo, and sure enough, the tip of Malia’s tail drooped over the edge of the top tier. I laughed and shook my head. “Lazy creature.”
With the cat accounted for, Meredith and I settled back into the world that didn’t exist beyond the couch and coffee table. Like it had so often been years ago, it was just us and a bottle of wine. And like it always did, the conversation wandered.
“Do you remember that trip we took to Lake Tahoe?” she said at one point.
“For Randy’s wedding?” I rolled my eyes. “I’ve tried to forget that trip.” There was only so much nostalgia a man could muster for a seventy-two hour period during which he broke up two drunken fistfights, lost his wallet, and wound up with the mother of all—no, the supreme overlord of all—hangovers.
“No, no, not that one.” She absently swirled her wine. “I mean when we went snowboarding.”
“Oh, yeah, I remember that.” I chuckled. “Wasn’t that the time you shoved a snowball down the back of my shirt?”
She batted her eyes. “Me? I would never do anything like that.”
“Okay, so I would.”
I grinned and raised my wine glass to my lips. “But I got you back, so we’re even.”
She smacked me playfully. “The hell we are!”
I choked on my wine and put my hand over my mouth to keep from spitting it on her. Once I’d recovered, I said, “What?”
“Even?” She glared at me. “That punishment was a bit excessive for the crime, don’t you think?”
“Well, I didn’t think so,” I said, chuckling.
“Scott, all I did was put a snowball down the back of your jacket.”
I shrugged. “And all I did was put a snowball on your back.”
“Yeah, uh-huh,” she said. “While I was sleeping.”
I tried—if not very hard—not to laugh. “That’s what you get for letting your guard down.”
“Bastard,” she muttered into her glass.
“Hey, I warmed you up afterward.”
She drained her wine and grinned. “I’ll give you that. You definitely did.”
I refilled our glasses. For a few minutes, we drank in silence. I wondered if she was thinking back to that night at Tahoe. She knew how much I hated cold shit on my skin, and I’d sworn up and down the whole weekend that I’d get her back. So, around three in the morning, I slipped outside, made a decent-sized snowball, pulled the covers back, and set it right on the small of her naked back. That scream probably woke everyone in the lodge.
She was pissed at me for a few minutes, but finally laughed. Then we got back in bed, and I made sure she wasn’t cold anymore. We were both afraid of waking the whole place up again, though, so we stayed extra quiet, and no sex is more intense than quiet sex.
She must have been thinking along the same lines because she laughed softly and said, “Remember when we stayed with my grandmother?”
“Oh, Jesus, how could I forget?” I laughed. “I think she’s the only one who ever thought it would do a damned bit of good to make us sleep in separate rooms.”
sp; “Yeah, well, I wasn’t about to tell her we already lived together. She’d have had heart failure.” Meredith grinned. “You know, I think she believed right up until the day she died that you were a ‘nice young man.’”
“Are you suggesting I wasn’t?”
She snorted. “You were a filthy young man taking advantage of her sweet, virginal granddaughter in the middle of the night.”
“Virginal, my ass,” I muttered. I sipped my wine. “Which is why, when I snuck up to your room, you were on your way toward my room.”
“How do you know I wasn’t on my way to the bathroom?”
“Because both bathrooms were the other way.”
“It was dark.” She shrugged. “That, and I hadn’t been there in a while.”
“Which also explains why you grabbed my shirt and dragged me into your room.”
She gestured dismissively. “Details.”
“I still can’t believe she actually thought putting us in separate rooms would help. About the only way I was going to stay away from you is if she handcuffed me to the bed.”
“Which you would have liked.”
“Only if she spanked me and called me—”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Scott.” She wrinkled her nose. “This is my grandmother we’re talking about.”
I shrugged. “I don’t discriminate.”
“I did not need that mental image, just so you know.”
I laughed and took another drink. “Actually, if she’d cuffed me to the bed, I’d have expected you to come take advantage of me.” I paused. “Then again, if she’d had enough of a clue to restrain me, she probably would have cuffed you to your bed, too.”
Meredith made another dismissive gesture. “No, Granny was sure I was a pure and innocent virgin. I’d sure has hell never engage in fornication, let alone in her house.”
“Right,” I said. “You would never fornicate, least of all in any place where you shouldn’t be fornicating.”
“No, I wouldn’t.”
“So she could sleep at night knowing you’d never let a man fuck you in the dressing room at the mall.”
“Oh, no, never.”
“Nor would you ever suck him off in a movie theatre.”
“Or the back of a limo.”
I cocked my head. “Wait, you never sucked me off in the back of a limo.”
“I didn’t?” She furrowed her brow. “I could swear I—” She snapped her fingers. “Right, I was thinking about the train. It was a hand job in the back of the limo, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah. I never did talk you into that blowjob in the back of a cab, though.”
She laughed. “Yeah, keep dreaming. That’s a bit too out in the open for me.”
“Whatever.” She elbowed me. “We certainly did have a knack for fucking where we weren’t supposed to.”
“Damn right.” I raised my glass in a mock toast. “Hey, what can I say? When I’m horny and I’ve got a hot woman with me, why wait?”
She grinned. “And you’re always horny, so…”
I shrugged. “So I am.”
“Yeah, you are.” She rolled her eyes. “I can’t think of any other man who doesn’t find joining the Mile High Club satisfying.”
“What are you talking about? Of course it was satisfying.”
“Uh-huh.” She laughed. “So that’s why once wasn’t good enough?”
I shrugged. “Hey, if it was fun once, it had to be fun the second time too, right? That, and I wanted to, you know, to make sure we really were members.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Except it was only a two-hour flight.”
“You didn’t get bored on that flight, did you?”
“No. No, I can’t say I did.”
I laughed and put my arm around her. “We were crazy, weren’t we?”
“Yeah, we were.”
“Remember Lacey and Greg’s wedding?”
Meredith laughed. “Oh my God, yes.”
I grinned over my wine glass. “And to think, you said I shouldn’t bother bringing a condom with me.”
Rolling her eyes, she shook her head. “Well, most people aren’t exactly prone to wandering off from something like that for a quick fuck.” She eyed me and grinned. “Then again, you’re not exactly most people, are you?”
“What did I tell you before we left that morning?”
She laughed. “That if I left the house in that dress, there was a good chance you’d forget about social protocols.” She eyed me. “Not that you know a damned thing about social protocols.”
“Hey, I resemble that.” I gestured at her empty glass with my own. “More?”
“No, thanks.” She handed me her glass and I leaned forward to set both of them on the coffee table. As I did, she said, “You know, I think I still have that dress somewhere.”
Sitting back, I raised my eyebrows. “Do you, now?”
“I just might.” She grinned. “If I find it, and it still fits, would you want me to—”
“Oh, fuck yes.” I ran a fingertip along the lapel of her blouse, not quite touching her skin. “Just be aware that it might need some repairs by the time I’m done.”
She bit her lip as I trailed my finger up the side of her neck. “It almost needed some repairs last time.”
“So did the table,” I growled, sliding my hand into her hair and moving closer to her. “Think anyone ever figured out where we went?”
“I doubt they— ooh.” She sucked in a breath when I kissed her neck. “Mmm, I doubt they even knew we were gone.”
I laughed against her neck. “I suppose we weren’t gone all that long, were we?” My hand slid back down to her blouse and cupped her breast. “You just had me too turned on to last.”
“I wasn’t complaining.” She moaned softly when I teased her nipple through her clothes.
“I should hope not,” I murmured just below her ear. “Pity I only had one condom with me that night.”
“We did just fine with one.”
I raised my head and grinned at her. “Good thing we had more at home.”
She licked her lips. “Which begs the question, how many do you have here?”
“More than enough.” I leaned in and kissed her. Her nails grazed the back of my neck and up on to my scalp, sending chills down my spine as I held her tighter. The kiss tasted like wine and her, and I couldn’t tell which made me dizzier.
“Where are they?” she whispered.
“Maybe that’s where we should be, then.”
“I love the way you think.”
In minutes, our clothes were scattered on the floor in the hall and my bedroom doorway. The back of my hand met the pillow, my palm cradling Meredith’s head as we sank together on to the bed. The mattress and frame creaked, the only sounds in the room besides sharp breaths and the whispers of skin across skin and sheets.
I slipped my hand between her thighs, my heart beating faster as my fingertips met her wet pussy. She exhaled hard, pressing against my hand and moaning as I teased her clit.
I bent and kissed her neck. “I want you to do something for me.” I paused to nibble her earlobe while I slid two fingers inside her. “I don’t want you to make a sound.”
She squirmed against me. “That’s easier said than done with the things you do.”
I kissed below her ear. “But you can do it. I know you can.” Pushing myself up on to my arms, I looked down at her. “Just like we did that night at your grandmother’s.”
Meredith bit her lip. “Scott, when you—”
“I know,” I whispered, letting my lip brush hers. “It’s hard. But will you do it for me?”
She nodded. “I’ll try.”
“You’ll try?”
“Okay, I will.”
“That’s what I thought.” I grinned against her lips. “That was hot that night, wasn’t it?” I kissed her neck and started
downward, whispering between kisses. “When we had to have each other…so fucking bad… couldn’t wait… couldn’t make a sound…” I flicked my tongue across her nipple. “And I almost made you scream anyway.”
Closing her eyes, she wriggled beneath me, struggling to breathe with any kind of regularity while I inched my way down.
“Remember that?” I kissed just above her navel. “How you almost lost it?”
She whimpered something like a “yes.”
“You won’t do that tonight, will you, Meredith?” I paused, lips pressed against her hipbone. “There’s no one to hear you but me, but you won’t make a sound, will you?”
“No,” she breathed.
“Good girl.”
She mostly succeeded. When I kissed the inside of her thigh, she sucked in a sharp breath. A finger sliding into her pussy made her force that breath back out of her lungs in a single, ragged whoosh. When I closed my lips around her clit, she moaned, but quickly clapped a hand over her mouth, muffling the sound as I teased her with my tongue.
The tanginess of her pussy did more to make my head spin than the glasses of wine I’d had earlier, and as I explored her with my lips and tongue, I couldn’t help the low groan that emerged from the back of my throat. She sucked in another sharp breath, her hips twitching and trembling beneath my arm. I did it again, on purpose this time, and she responded the same way. She inched closer to release, and each time she neared the brink, I slowed down enough to let her calm down. Once she had, I’d bring her right back to the edge again.
I was in no hurry at all tonight. It didn’t matter how hard I was, or how badly I wanted to be inside her, there was no way in hell I’d rush this. Just like that night when we couldn’t make a sound, when we were so desperate for each other we almost let it all out anyway. The need for stealth had only intensified things; that was the night I learned that an orgasm that must be contained in silence was the most difficult kind to restrain.
I slipped two fingers inside her. Deeper, a little deeper, beckoning just slightly until she gasped and shivered, signaling I’d found her G-spot. I kept my fingertips right there, making slow, gentle circles as my tongue did the same on her clit.
In a hoarse, unsteady whisper, she said, “Oh my God, Scott, don’t stop, please, don’t…” She shuddered, squeezing my fingers so hard I could barely move them. She held her breath, probably trying to keep from crying out, and forcing herself into silence only intensified her building orgasm. What I couldn’t hear I could feel in every tremor, every shiver, every time she pushed her clit against my tongue, and when she came, I swore her release rippled through the air and down my own spine.